Customer for console users, make sure your playstation®plus or xbox live gold membership 3. New game plus or ng+ is a feature in dying light that is unlocked in the main menu under play → campaign → save → advanced settings, after reaching 100 % story completion. Dying light, dying light 2 and dying light: Bad blood are first person zombie survival games developed by techland. Vin Diesel is a dinosaur hunter in Ark 2 from s3. Leave a reply cancel reply. Bad blood are first person zombie survival games developed by techland. You can also invite your friends directly. Firstly i selected and tracked bozak dlc, then closed the game and went into the dying light dlc list in steam and disabled bozak and cuisine & cargo, logged back into the game. I remember techland's other iterations of games with amazing ng+'s, and was wondering what the ng+ for dying light consists of. All i know is that you get to start the game over keeping your level, items in your backpack and stash, all the blueprints you've found etc, and the enemies are a bit tougher and. The new game plus on here allows you to restart the game with all the skills, cash, and inventory you had at the end. Dying Light New Game Plus Coop : Rain World "Co-Op Mode" / Leave a reply cancel reply.